the Stories

Fence-A-Thon Excitement
The Junior Olympic 2024 is the championship tournament to challenge kids as young as 13 years to as old as 19 years old in the Cadets and the Junior Division. This year's competition was fierce! The intense competition is the reason we chose this event to host our Fence-A-Thon. We wanted to show kids that fencing is not just about winning, but it's about setting goals, working hard and being able to learn from your mistakes. We want to show that when you put your mind to something, anything is possible. Fencing is more than just a sport, it really teaches you to analyze and to think!

With the Junior Olympic 2024 complete, so is our Fence-A-Thon 2024. We want to thank everyone who have contributed. We could not have done it without all of you! With your help, our fencers raised over $3000! All of which will go towards helping Chicago youths. Please know that your donations will be put to great use. We will continuously share pictures and stories with you on what we're doing so you’re in the know. If you have not done so, please join our newsletter or follow us on Instagram @youthfencingchicago.

You can see our results at or click the links below:

Here are some highlights from the event